Web and Social Media Design
GMD 308-A
FA21 |
Course Canvas site https://marymount.instructure.com/courses/22549 |
Website URLs FA21 |
Free WordPress https://wordpress.com/free/ |
How-to Instructions |
Resources photos, illustration, graphics, animations, videos, music |
Lectures & Notes |
8/31 WEEK 1
Attendance policy- video on to be present - University attendance policy
Course Introduction. https://youtu.be/DdaElt6oP6w
What this class will achieve - WordPress, WIX and social media working studio
Course Canvas site - assignments, lecture notes and how-to
Discuss syllabus
Netflix pathways Boot Camps
Terms & definitions
The Internet and the World Wide Web
Web Host Lecture notes
Web Browser
Browser Cache
URL, Blog, Website Lecture notes
CMS Content Management System
WordPress Lecture notes
Open Source Software Lecture notes
WordPress & Themes
UX "user experience" & UI "user interface" design Lecture notes
Citing website content: Citing photographs, websites, blogs and other sources
Create your course website
How-to instructions http://mudesign.net/webdesign/how_to.html
9/7 WEEK 2 Expedition website
Weekly readings discussion
Websites analysis discussion
Critique course websites
Terms and Definitions
- SEO – search engine optimization
- Responsive design
- Adaptive design
- Difference between responsive and adpative design
- WordPress SEO
Web writing and design
- Writing for the web
- Inverted pyramid style copy
- Active voice
- First person point of view
- Use of photographs, illustrations, graphics, animations, videos, music, sound effects
- Copyrighted
- Copyright free
- Public domain
- Royalty free
- Royalty based
- Fair Use - Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA)
- Image sources http://mudesign.net/resources.html
- Writing for the web
- Inverted pyramid style copy
- Active voice
- First person point of view
Page and post content
- Toolbars
- Inserter
- Settings - Block and page
- View - Top toolbar & Spotlight mode
- Editor - Visual editor & Code editor
- Style - bold and italic
- Paragraph
- Heads
- Pull quotes
Create your expedition website
How-to instructions http://mudesign.net/webdesign/how_to.html
9/14 WEEK 3 Expedition website
Weekly reading discussion
Web and social media action campaign process
Review four (4) assignments due the next three weeks
- Adding a header
- Supporting images and graphics and captions
- Text wraps
- Contact page - Jetpack
- Blog Page and blog posts
Website design
- Image file formats: http://mudesign.net/webdesign/best_file_formats.html
- Resizing and re-formating images using Mac Preview or Windows Photo Gallery or Lightroom
- Website header design
Expedition website edits and addtions assignment
How-to instructions http://mudesign.net/webdesign/how_to.html
Action campaign topics
Toiletry drive - Dayana + Hannah + Keyshawn
Use more reusables - Julie + Melanie + Lia + Carmen
Take a break - Alec + Alexis + Mary Diaz
Drink more water - Cole + Fatimah + Ragad
Soccer equipment donations - Rodney + Shrinal + Marco
Subscribe to The Banner - Lauren
TBD - Taylor
10/5 WEEK 6 Action Campaign
Weekly reading discussion
Web and social media design responsibilities - client vs designer
For this course "Canvas assignments" vs "How-to instructions"
Critique Expedition websites and review:
- Editor and live view - FA21
- Menus - ordering and adding items
- Blog page - Blog page template or list posts plugin
- Contact page template
- Text wraps
Action campaigns
Web and social media analysis discussion
- Web and social media action campaign process
- Examples
- Action campaign golden rules
- Presentation of action campaign ideas
- Select teams and final campaign topics
Action campaign assignments
- Action campaign research assignment
- Topic research
- Similar campaigns research
- Historic research - how similar action campaigns have been treated
- Scholarly research
- Current day research - in the media and public opinion polls and or interviews
- Action campaign brief assignment template
10/12 WEEK 7 Web and Social Media Action Campaign
Weekly reading discussion
Influencer and the majority illusion
Social media campaign ideas
Action campaign branding
Presentation of action campaign briefs and research
Action campaign branding and website assignment
Online logo makers:
WIX Logo Maker: https://www.wix.com/logo/maker
Tailor Brands: https://www.tailorbrands.com
Looks: https://looka.com
Resources http://mudesign.net/resources.html
Examples of effective use of visuals and copy
10/19 WEEK 8 Web and Social Media Action Campaign
Weekly reading discussion
Critique of revised briefs, branding and websites
Social media campaign
A social media campaign is a series of coordinated activities aimed at achieving a specific goal over a set period of time, with outcomes that can be tracked and measured. It can be limited to a single network, or take place across multiple social media platforms. Example: https://blog.hootsuite.com/social-media-campaign-strategy/
If you don’t think a meme you’ve created is funny, interesting, or insightful, your action campaign participants probably won’t either.
Why include memes in your action campaign
How to use memes in your action campaign social media
Online meme maker: https://photoadking.com/design/meme/
Examples of meme style advertisements: https://digitalsynopsis.com/inspiration/60-public-service-announcements-social-issue-ads/
Frequency of social media posting
Facebook - 1-2 times per day. Avoid multiple posts in quick succession. Wait three hours between posts
Twitter - 5 times per day. Tweets have an incredibly short shelf life,
so it’s important to spread your tweets throughout the day.
Instagram - 1-2 times per day. Avoid sharing a bunch of posts in quick succession
YouTube - 1 new video weekly
Blog - 2-3 times weekly
Over posting will drive your action campaign participants away. Under posting will loose the interest of your participants. Posting quality content your audience craves is more important then how often you post!
Determine class agreed to social media reach goals:
Campaign social media analytics goals
Must use 2 social media a 3rd is extra credit
Websites - 100 unique visitors
75 Tags across all social media
Twitter: 25 impressions, n/a re-tweets, 50 likes, 100 followers
Facebook: 100 likes, 15 shares across posts, 15 comments
Instagram: 100 likes total, 80 followers, 10 repost on story
Snapchat: 50 Views total (Must upload screen shot to website)
10/26 WEEK 9 Web and Social Media Action Campaign
Weekly reading discussion
Class critique of memes
- Are they funny, interesting, or insightful?
- Will they entice you to take the desired action?
- Toiletry drive - Dayana + Hannah + Keyshawn
- Use more reusables - Julie + Melanie + Lia + Carmen
- Take a break - Alec + Alexis + Mary Diaz
- Drink more water - Cole + Fatimah + Ragad
- Soccer equipment donations - Rodney + Shrinal + Marco
- Subscribe to The Banner - Lauren
- TBD - Taylor
In class group assignments - due by end of class
Action campaign brief template with goals added
- Establish your measurable campaign goals - add to your brief
- Anticipated number individuals that will participate in your action campaign
- Establish your participant action goal - add to your brief
- Anticipated number of individual that will sign-up, donate, drop off, take a pledge, complete a quiz, sign a petition, upload a photograph etc.
- Online quiz and survey builders
- Online petitions
- Online game builder
- Online pledges
- Instagram challenges
- Instagram quizzes
- Social media strategy and posting schedule for the next six weeks - add to top of your brief page
- List each social media your campaign uses - at least two different social media are required
- Next to each list who will be posting how many times on which dates for the next six weeks
Group Critique
- Revised briefs
- Branding
- Campaign websites
- Social media campaign
Assignments due 11/2 and 11/9
11/9 WEEK 11 Web and Social Media Action Campaign
Action campaign examples
PBS funding
#OceanLeague Campaign
Drink more water
Choose to reuse
End slavery now
Anti slavery
Action campaign revised brief with goals
Action campaign progress report templates
Progress report template
Social Media report template
Action campaign group presentations of progress reports
- Your camping goal and how close to your goal your campiagn is?
- Desired participant action and how many participants have taken the action
- Your social media reach to date?
- Examples of recent posts in each of your social media channels
- Who is your nano influencer?
- Who have you partnered with?
- What is working for your campaign to reach its goal?
- What will you be doing differently and or what additionally to be able to reach your campaign goal?
11/30 WEEK 14 Web and Social Media Action Campaign
Critiques of Action Campaign progress reports |
12/14 WEEK 16 FINAL EXAM Web and Social Media Action Campaign
Due prior to start of class
- Group prepared and posted Action Campaign Outcomes Report
During class
- Group presentations of Action Campaign Outcomes
- Individual Participation and Reflections assignment
Past Student
Website URLs FA08 SU09 SU10 SU11 SU12 FA12 FA13 FA14 FA15 FA16 SU17 FA17 FA18 FA19 FA20
Past action campaing Analytics goals |