1/20 |
Instruction: Course introduction, syllabus review, required supplies
Instruction: 5 shot +1 rule,
Rule of thirds example 1 example 2 |
Purchase supplies & textbook
5 shot +1: Photo exercise (A)
(Individual in class) link to assignment
5 shot +1: Photo exercise (B) (Individual outside of class time)
link to assignment |
1. About Video
2. Getting Started
3. Video Comm.
1/27 |
Present & Review: 5 shot +1 photo exercise
Discussion: Camera angles, lighting,
and rule of third.
Create video teams
Tech demo: Video equipment |
5 shot +1: Video exercise: Filming (Team) link to assignemnt
Take home test Chapters 1-8(Individual) |
4. Video Space
5. Video Time
6. Video Composition
2/17 |
Edit: From an animal's point of view
Premier adding background music. Link to music sources
Footage of From an animal's point of view: (editing in class next week)
1 minute video filmed entirely through the eyes of an animal of your choice. The animal does not appear in the video
One day in the animals life from morning until night.
Your camera should be at the level of the animals eyes and a include each of the six basic camera angles at least one or more times. And include tilts and pans
Camera motions should speed up and slow down when mimicking walking and running and bounce up and down when mimicking jumping etc.
For example:
A snake filmed entirely form on the ground looking straight ahead or up.
My dog Bronx filmed mostly from about 1 foot above the ground and sometimes higher when on his hind legs or when he jumps up on and off furniture.
If a squirrel a lot of filming from up in a tree.
Be creative, have fun create and produce an entertaining story! |
12. Camera Systems
13. Camera Operation |
3/3 |
Take home test Chapters 9-17
Title motion graphic for animal point-of-view video:
Discussion: Motion graphis and After Effects: creating compositions, layers, animating text, exporting files Tutorials
Add sound effects to animal point-of-view video. Export your file and upload to course Google drive with file name "your full name animal pov-sfx"
3/10 |
Submit: Take Home Test Chap 8-17
Present & Review: Title motion graphic for animal point-of-view video
Discussion: Public Service Announcement (PSA) motion graphics videos |
Title motion graphic for animal point-of-view video: Export your completed motion graphic as MP4 and name the file "your name title graphic". Upload the file to the course Google drive.
Due by end of class:
Pre-production Public Service Announcement (PSA) motion graphics.
1) Pre-production: script/message and storyboard
18. Directing for Content
19. Directing for Form |
3/24 |
Take home test Chapters 9-15 (Individual) Test on Canvas under assignments
Review title motion graphic
PSAs and comedy PSAs
Student examples
Public Service Announcement (PSA) -
is a message in the public interest disseminated without charge.
PSAs can create awareness, show the importance of a problem or issue, convey information, or promote a behavioral change. |
Public Service Announcement (PSA) motion graphics. Export your completed motion graphic as MP4 and name the file "your name PSA Motion graphic". Upload the file to the course Google drive.
By end of class PSA Comedy videos Related to the greater good!
Preproduction program development:
1) PSA catch line/slogan
2) Ojective: what viewing audience behavior you want to change
3) Audience; greater Marymount community
4) Program length 15 or 30 seconds each
5) Choose your story telling approach: joke, parody, prank, satire, pun, exaggeration, mixed
6) Choose your performance method: surprise, ironic, incongruity/contradiction, slapstick
7) Choose the audience’s emotional response you want to occur:
sadness to joy, disgust to trust, anticipation to surprise
8) Treatment: detailed description of your concept including the stylistic approach |
20. Editing Operations
21. Editing Principles
Public Service Announcement -
is a message in the public interest disseminated without charge.
PSAs can create awareness, show the importance of a problem or issue, convey information, or promote a behavioral change.
Storytelling humor:
Joke - a thing that someone says to cause amusement or laughter, especially a story with a funny punchline.
Parody - an imitation of the style of a particular writer, artist, or genre with deliberate exaggeration for comic effect.
Prank - a practical joke or mischievous act.
Satire - the use of humor, irony, exaggeration, or ridicule to expose and criticize people's stupidity or vices, particularly in the context of contemporary politics and other topical issues.
Pun - a joke exploiting the different possible meanings of a word or the fact that there are words which sound alike but have different meanings.
Exaggeration - a statement that represents something as better or worse than it really is.
Mixed metaphor - a combination of two or more incompatible metaphors, which produces a ridiculous effect |